The Spiritual Protective Function of the Balanta Placenta Tradition, The United States Birth Certificate and the Spiritual Damage of Slavery

“My dear brother! Good afternoon! As far as I know Balanta, they traditionally bury placenta! But, as everything that concerns life is seen as something sacred, attention and care are given. Therefore, placenta is not buried like any hospital waste. Therefore, the placenta is intervened at home, especially next to the elder's house. For, interpreting that the born cannot be failed to not feel rejected in the clan that is welcoming him in the world. So, since the placenta is the part that gives off this baby, it is buried carefully and with a look of fear of ‘complaint’ that the born can demonstrate. That baby does crying straight and may even come back (to die) because he doesn't like to see his arrival not treated with dignity! All my brothers and I were born and our placenta was integrated next to our father's house. That according to interpretation of Balanta de ÑACKRA, clan TCHIGKNA - BRÂNTCHA TÔNGO. But in other clans there are interpretations and different treatment that can be given. However, the placenta is generally not seen as any garbage.” - your brother M'BANA N'TCHIGNA

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To understand the Balanta traditions regarding the placenta, called "Alamah" (Ruler/king) in Balanta Baaji/Kintohe, one must understand the fundamentals of 26 Principles of the Great Belief of the Balanta Ancient Ancestors, especially

“8.       “Illness and death do not have their source in our own vital power, but result from some external agent who weakens us through his greater force. It is only by fortifying our vital energy, through the use of magical recipes, that we acquire resistance to malevolent external forces.”

The placenta is an organ that develops in a mother’s uterus during pregnancy. This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby and removes waste products from the baby's blood. The placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the baby's umbilical cord arises from it.

The placenta, therefore, is the vessel or means of transferring the faiyeh or “vital life energy (in the form of oxygen and nutrients)” and the protective shield against disease (removing waste products).

From this natural observation comes the ritual practices regarding the placenta.

The details of the Balanta placenta rituals are a closely guarded secret kept by Balanta women. Principle 2 of the Great Belief states that,

“in respect of a number of strange practices in which we see neither rhyme nor reason, that their purpose is to acquire life, strength or vital force, to live strongly, that they are to make life stronger, or to assure that force shall remain perpetually in one’s posterity.”

Recognizing that the placenta has its own faiyeh (vital force), and further recognizing the nurturing and protective function of the placenta, it was only natural that the placenta became an object of great value and is seen as “something sacred”. The source of this faiyeh is called “N'ghâla".

The baby is seen as the continuation of the vital life force energy of the ancestral lineage. This is explained by Principle 4 of the Great Belief

4.       “The spirits of the first ancestors, highly exalted in the superhuman world, possess extraordinary force inasmuch as they are the founders of the human race and propagators of the divine inheritance of vital human strength. The other dead are esteemed only to the extent to which they increase and perpetuate their vital force in their progeny.”

and Principle 14:

14.   “After these first parents come the dead of the tribe, following their order of primogeniture. They form a chain, through the links of which the forces of the elders exercise their vitalizing influence on the living generation. Those living on earth rank, in fact, after the dead. The living belong in turn to a hierarchy, not simply following legal status, but as ordered by their own being in accordance with primogeniture and their vital rank: that is to say, according to their vital power.”

Thus, all of the spirits of the binham n’yo wule (ancestors) who possess “extraordinary force” and to whom have the power to “increase and perpetuate their vital force in their progeny” are immensely concerned with the birthing moment. The binham n’yo wule connect the newborn to N'ghâla. Placenta rituals, therefore, are the Balanta way of communicating with those binham n’yo wule.

If Balanta people do not show and communicate the proper “dignity” towards the vital life force of the ancestors, the punishment can be reclaiming that vital life force energy, i.e. the death of the baby. Or the punishment can be a diminution of the vital life force, i.e. illness and disease.

It is for this reason that Balanta bury the placenta at or near the parents or elder’s home - it is the site of the highest rank among the living and offers the greatest amount of dignity and primogeniture protection. In addition, large, old trees called “sahe ndang” are naturally observed to be carriers of faiyeh since they can outlive human beings by several generations. Thus, the Balanta people recognize the position of sahe ndang in the earth hierarchy of vital forces. This is why the sahe ndang is often used as the symbol for N'ghâla. As such, the placenta is often buried under a sahe ndang near the family compound.

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Again, the protective functions here can not be over-stated. The child could not be born were it not for the protective function of the placenta. Likewise, protection from malevolent forces that diminish faiyeh are central to Balanta spirituality. As the symbol of the child’s protective shield par excellence, the placenta itself must be protected. Harm done to the placenta is thought of as inducing harm to the child it protects. Thus, burial in the family compound and under sahe ndang protect the placenta from being stolen by enemies or evil spirits (eaten by wildlife). Such believe is not relegated to Balanta alone; it is a part of the universal spirituality of original people (people that existed before the differentiation of the races as a result of the Wurm glaciation).

“For example, it is believed that if the placenta is eaten by dogs or pigs, the baby will suffer from manic depression, if eaten by ants the baby will suffer from skin sores, and if eaten by birds the baby may die suddenly. The placenta is always buried face down with the smooth side up. If buried upside down, the baby might vomit during feeding. The ground is chosen as the final resting place because Earth is revered as the creator of all life so it is natural that the placenta should be returned to Her. What better fate is there for the placenta than to emerge from the womb of its natural mother and be immediately engulfed by the enfolding arms of Mother Earth?”

It is within this context of Balanta spirituality that the spiritual damage done to Balanta descendants born into slavery in the United States, can be understood and further strengthen the claim of Reparations on spiritual grounds.


From the very beginning, medical experimentation were conducted on Balanta and other people taken from their homelands and trafficked across the Atlantic to the United States.


The History of Gynecology in the United States

“After 1808, when a federal ban on importing slaves from other countries took effect, the perpetuation of American slavery became dependent on domestic slave births. That aligned the economic interests of slave owners — who wanted to promote the healthy births of slave children — and the interests of white physicians — who portrayed themselves as helping slaves but also reaped professional benefits because they could experiment on slaves without their consent. As historian Deirdre Cooper Owens has observed, those economic incentives drove medical innovation. Gynecological examinations of black women influenced the country’s slave markets, and “slavery, medicine and medical publishing formed a synergistic partnership” in the establishment of gynecology as a medical specialty in the United States.

Under these incentives, understanding and treating gynecological problems became particularly important. A condition such as vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) threatened a slave woman’s ability to perform hard labor as well as her future reproductive capacity. . . .

J. Marion Sims. . . . compiled pathbreaking accomplishments: designing the vaginal speculum, developing a treatment for vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) and building a successful medical career promoting VVF repair. He would serve as president of the American Medical Association and was dubbed the “father of modern gynecology. . . . The VVF treatment he developed, for example, came as a result of experiments he performed on black slaves. . . . Sims had plenty of motivation to devote four years to experimenting on 14 slaves with VVF whom he housed on his property, including 30 experiments on a single woman named Anarcha. This experimentation resulted in a landmark development in the history of gynecology: successful treatment of VVF with the use of silver wire. But from the perspective of slave owners, this development was more notable because the new treatment meant that healed slaves could retain their economic value. . . .

Racist beliefs associated with slavery also provided perceived ethical justifications for conducting repeated invasive experiments like those Sims performed. Sims carried out his experiments on women’s genitalia from 1845 to 1849 without anesthesia, which had recently been introduced. In addition to their status as enslaved people, black women were considered appropriate subjects for such experiments based on the widespread belief that black people experienced less pain than white people.”

Before we can understand the evil birth practices of the United States against Balanta people, it is necessary to have a brief understanding of the history of the development of the medical establishment in the United States. Here is a short timeline:

1847 - The American Medical Association was founded in 1847 and incorporated in 1897. In the early 1900s the AMA realized that there needed to be some changes in medical education. Medical practice and education in some areas left a lot to be desired (poor training and understaffed medical schools). It created the Council on Medical Education, with the purpose of evaluating countrywide medical training and making improvements where needed. However, they didn’t have enough money to do this. Enter Rockefeller and Carnegie and their funding and popularity. The president of the Carnegie Foundation, Henry Pritchett, met with the AMA and offered to take over the entire Council on Medical Education project. In the 1800′s the American Medical Association (AMA) resented their competitors who drove down the cost of medical care and drew away customers; The AMA called upon the strong arm of government force to vanquish the competition, it did so through regulating medical schools;

1901 - the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was founded. One of the names on the board of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was Simon Flexner. It was Simon Flexner’s brother, Abraham Flexnor, who had one of the biggest hands in medical education reform. (Interestingly, Abraham Flexner was born in Kentucky, one of the largest growers and suppliers of hemp during WWII.) Abraham Flexner was on the staff of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Rockefeller had made a massive fortune with Standard Oil and was setting his sights on gaining a monopoly in the drug and pharmaceutical industry. However, first he had to get rid of the competition, which consisted of natural non-allopathic healing modalities – naturopathy, homeopathy, eclectic medicine (botanical and herbal medicine), holistic medicine, etc. Hemp was also a threat to his plans, since cannabis has tremendous medical benefit – it can be used to alleviate pain for numerous diseases and even has anti-cancer properties.

1910 - Rockefeller paid Abraham Flexner to visit all the medical schools in the US at that time. He released the so-called “Flexner Report” in 1910, which called for the standardization of medical education and concluded there were too many doctors and medical schools in America. Rockefeller then used his control of the media to generate public outcry at the findings of the report – which, by means of the classic elite strategy of “Problem, Reaction, Solution” as David Icke calls it, ultimately led Congress to declare the AMA (American Medical Association) the only body with the right to grant medical school licenses in the United States. This suited Rockefeller perfectly – he then used the AMA (which may be better called to the American Murder Association due their widespread use and endorsement of toxic vaccines, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation) to compel the Government destroy the natural competition, which it did through regulating medical schools. After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding. Thus, Rockefeller had his monopoly on drugs, and Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine were born.

1931 - Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

1932 - the Tuskegee Study, a scientific research program in which 400 syphilis-infected black men were recruited by the U.S. Public Health Service back in 1932. The participants were all told that they would be treated for their infections, but instead of treating their illness, all medicines were withheld. The black men were then actively prevented from obtaining treatment elsewhere as their bodies, and the bodies of their wives and children, were systematically ravaged by disease. The evil men who conceived that Nazi-style study justified their atrocity by alleging that scientists needed to learn how untreated syphilis progressed in the human body. For a period of forty years, between 1932 and 1972, the genocidal Tuskegee Study continued. It was not until 1972, when one newspaper finally had the courage to break the story to the public, that the Tuskegee Study was finally terminated. Dr. John Heller was the Director of Venereal Diseases at the Public Health Service from 1943 to 1948. Of the men in the Tuskeggee study, he said, ‘The men’s status did not warrant ethical debate. They were subjects, not patients: clinical material, not sick people.”

1935 - The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occurred within poverty-stricken black populations.

1939 - Margaret Sanger organized her “Negro project”, a program designed to eliminate members of what she believed to be an “inferior race.” Margaret Sanger justified her proposal because she believed that “The masses of Negroes….particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit …”

Now we are ready to understand

The United States and the Evil Practice of Issuing Birth Certificates

1.       The United Dutch East India Company, in October of 1604, commissioned Hugo Grotius to write the Commentary on the Law of Prize and Booty to justify the Dutch capture in 1603 of a wealthy Portuguese merchantman, the Santa Catarina, in the Strait of Singapore. In a clever and intricate defense of international free trade, Groitus introduced the notion of man as a sovereign and free individual with a right to self-defense and, by extension, the right of a company of private merchants to establish a trade empire. Such justification -unprecedented in early modern political and legal philosophy – revolutionized natural law and natural rights theories, just as it gave a new impetus to the discussion of “just war”. These ideas became of central importance during the Enlightenment and were used in all subsequent debate about Western colonization and imperialism. The freedom of the seas – meaning both the oceans of the world and coastal waters – became one of the most contentious issues in international law. The Free Sea, the twelfth chapter of Commentary on the Law of Prize and Booty, transcended its immediate legal and diplomatic contexts and had implications no less for coastal waters than it did for the high seas, for the West Indies, and for intra-European disputes as well as for relations between the European powers and the extra-European peoples. Thus, is established Maritime Admiralty Law which, today, is called the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

2.       There are two kinds of law that rule the entire earth. All governments are ruled by civil law which is called in all countries, the law of the land, and maritime admiralty law, the law of the sea (UCC).  

3.       Consequently, when a ship pulls into port it docks, it is in its ‘berth”. Because it is on the seas it is under Maritime Admiralty Law (UCC). The first thing a captain must do is present a certificate (defined as a paper establishing an ownership claim) of manifest to the port authorities. The Authorities must know how much is on the ship and what is being bought into their economy. This represents the birthdate of that product in the custody (ownership) of the respective nation.

4. After the American Civil War (1861-1865), Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the Rothschilds of London thereby incurring a DEBT. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 established a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government under British rule (which is under Vatican rule) known as the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. It operates in an economic capacity as a “Crown colony”.

5. Edward Mandell House was a member of the Cecil Rhodes Round Table Group that sought to establish a graduated income tax, a central bank, creation of a Central Intelligence Agency, and the League of Nations. Between 1901 and 1913 the House of Morgan and the House of Rockefeller formed close alliances with the Dukes and the Mellons. This group consolidated their power and came to dominate other Wall Street powers including Carnegie, Whitney, Vanderbilt, Brown-Harriman, and Dillon-Reed. The Round Table Group wanted to control the people by having the government tax people and deposit the peoples’ money in a central bank. The Group would take control of the bank and therefore have control of the money. The Group would take control of the State Department and formulate government policy, which would determine how the money was spent. The Group would control the CIA which would gather information about people, and script and produce psycho-political operations focused on the people to influence them to act in accord with Round Table Group State Department policy decisions. The Group would work to consolidate all the nations of the world into a single nation, with a single central bank under their control, and a single International Security System.  Edward Mandell House, with the financial backing of the House of Rockefeller’s National City Bank, becomes instrumental in getting Woodrow Wilson elected as President in 1912.  Some of the first legislation of the Wilson Administration was the institution of the graduated income tax (1913) and the creation of a central bank called the Federal Reserve.  An inheritance tax was also instituted. These tax laws were used to rationalize the need for legislation that allowed the establishment of tax-exempt foundations. The tax-exempt foundations became the link between the Group member's private corporations and the University system. The Group would control the Universities by controlling the sources of their funding. The funding was money sheltered from taxes being channeled in ways which would help achieve Round Table Group aims. Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with President Woodrow Wilson:

“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.  By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. 

Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur, and, in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

6.       The federal government first developed a standard birth certificate application form in 1907, five years after the Census Bureau began collecting data. The current system of the states collecting data and reporting it to the federal government developed between 1915, when the federal government mandated that states collect and report the data, and 1933, by which time all of the states were participating. 

7.       Consequently, when you are born you come out of your mother’s water. Therefore, you are subject Maritime Admiralty Law (UCC). Hence the dock(tor) has you sign a berth/birth certificate, a certificate of manifest because you are a corporation-owned item. At this point you become stock in a Maritime Admiralty (UCC) banking scheme. Stock is defined as “capital”. Capital is defined as an “asset”. And an asset is defined as a useful or valuable thing, person or quality. As stock registered with the United States Corporation, you represent a “value” which is calculated by the amount your future labor can produce. Your birth certificate is therefore not proof of your having been born, it is actually a stock share. The proof of your having been born is the placenta. The placenta is the asset that connects your dna to your mother and father. It is the actual evidence of your identity, derived from your genetic lineage. Traditionally, Balanta people bury the placenta near the house of their parents or grandparents, thereby claiming ownership and depositing the genetic evidence in the territory occupied by the parents. In the United States, however, both the spiritual and legal function of the placenta and the importance of claiming/securing it is intentionally omitted from society and the educational system.

8. A “birth” notice is published in the public record and after a period of time, if no one claims the placenta, it is considered “lost at sea” or “dead at sea”. The placenta is disposed or destroyed and there is no “proof” that you have been born. At that moment, the “birth certificate” creates a fictitious “person” as a “corporate asset” owned by the United States Corporation. This asset’s stock certificate (proof of future value) can now be held as collateral to secure the debt which the United States of America owes to the international bankers. Meaning, YOU MUST LABOR WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION TO PRODUCE BOTH VALUE FOR THE CORPORATION AND TO PAY TAXES TO THE CORPORATION.

US Code Proof of Death to Support Fed Payment.jpg


According to the Red Bags: A MedXwaste Company website:

“Medical waste includes everything from lab cultures and stocks to donated blood to tissue excised for testing or to remove disease.  Anatomical waste is a specific kind of medical waste, and has specific disposal rules that come with it.  Some of this waste, such as the placenta from healthy mothers or expired blood may not be infectious, but unless it status is known, it is treated as though it were.

Many providers supply special containers for placenta disposal to allow safe containment and transport to a disposal point.  Incineration is the usual process.  If stored in a freezer, several pharmaceutical companies will collect these for research.

Hospitals treat placentas as medical waste or biohazard material. The newborn placenta is placed in a biohazard bag for storage.  Some hospitals keep the placenta for a period of time in case the need arises to send it to pathology for further analysis.  Once the hospital is done with the placenta, it is put on a truck with all the other medical waste accumulated at the hospital for proper disposal.  In some hospitals, placentas are incinerated on site.”

From the Balanta perspective, then, the United States treats the sacred protective shield of newborns as medical waste, the very opposite of the sacred dignity with which it is accorded by Balanta people. The placenta, as medical waste, is INTENTIONALLY incinerated - burned with fire. The consequence of such incineration is the removal of the ritual practice establishing the protective faiyeh of the binham n’yo wule. In other words,

the child’s ancestors are unable to prevent their offspring from falling victim to the dehumanization process created, established and developed in the United States. Spiritually, Balanta descendants born in the United States have been deprived of the spiritual mechanism for ancestral connection and protection.

Today, this results in the ability of the United States Corporation to easily enslave Balanta children at birth through the statutory birth certificate scheme. to learn more about this, read



Again, it is the Balanta belief that harm done to the placenta is thought of as inducing harm to the child it protects. According to Russ Scweizer, CEO of AmnioChor,

“The placenta remains the least understood human organ. But thanks to organizations like The Centre For Trophoblast Research, and scientists like Professor Y.W. Loke of Cambridge University, we are beginning to understand the flawless organization and intricate performance of our placenta. [Siphiwe note: an understanding possessed by Balanta for millennia]. For example, few people are aware that the placenta is derived from the baby. It becomes closely embedded in the mother’s womb such that the baby can “borrow” everything it needs to develop. We are learning that many of the medical problems encountered later in life are a direct result of placenta dysfunction. [Siphiwe note: This is exactly what Balanta placenta tradition is concerned with]. The hope is that a better understanding of the placenta will lead to broader knowledge in other critical areas of healthcare.

The Placenta’s 2nd Life Your placenta can continue to provide therapeutic value and have a 2nd life if the afterbirth is not discarded as medical waste. [Siphiwe Note: Hence the Balanta placenta rituals to preserve the placenta’s spiritual therapeutic value which the Western scientists know nothing about.] Components isolated from the placenta, such as the umbilical cord blood, and the amniotic membrane, are already serving a valuable role in medicine today. Research continues to develop the therapeutic value of other components of the placenta. With our skills in cryopreservation, your placenta can be preserved for future applications in personalized medicine. The placenta’s 2nd life encompasses new treatments today and bio-banking for the future. We are rapidly moving into a new paradigm where the placenta is transitioning from biological waste to becoming a biological toolbox for cures.” [Siphiwe note: But the Balanta have always had the paradigm that the placenta is both a biological and spiritual toolbox for cures.]

Thus, the medical experimentation that began during the criminal European Trans Atlantic Trafficking and Enslavement of people from the African continent to the America’s is continuing today. In the same way that the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research wanted a monopoly on medical research for private profit, today there are companies that are seeking a monopoly to profit on the placenta of all people, including the Balanta. They are stealing our traditions and “paradigms” and repackaging them under the guise of scientific and medical “intellectual property” while at the same time continuing the genocide against Balanta people by preventing the ritual practice that enables the spiritual and biological protective powers of the binham n’yo wule.

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